Department of Chemistry:

Welcome to the Department of Chemistry. The Department started functioning from the very inception of TSWRDC(W), Karimnagar. Both theory and laboratory teaching programs for UG have started from the very first day of 2016-17 academic year. The Department is committed to excellence in chemistry by establishing research programs for meeting scientific and technological challenges faced by the ever changing, science centered world of the 21st century. Our aim is to produce highly sought after and knowledgeable graduates for pursuing careers with academia, industry, research and government. The emphasis at the curricular level is to give a broad coverage of all branches of chemistry in keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the subject today.


 ·         To provide a broad foundation in chemistry that stresses scientific reasoning and analytical problem solving with a molecular perspective
  Enhancement of creativity and motivation that drives the students towards inculcating professionalism.
·         To learn the laboratory skills and safely to transfer and interpret knowledge entirely in the working environment.
·         To achieve the skills required to succeed in graduate school, professional school and the chemical industry like cement industries, agro product, Paint industries, Rubber industries, Petrochemical industries, Food processing industries, Fertilizer industries etc.
·         To afford a broad foundation in chemistry that stresses scientific reasoning and analytical problem solving with a molecular perspective.
·         To set up an environment congenial for synergizing Academics, Research and training for PG Entrance.


Career Opportunities

 A chemistry degree offers many opportunities for our students, both in and out of the lab.   While    degree   in     chemistry     can     lead     to     jobs     in education, biotechnology, forensics, and government policy, there are three areas, in particular, where jobs are in high-demand, including research to discover cures for, or better understanding of, diseases, synthetic drug manufacturing, and unregulated food and drug testing.

In addition to the various job opportunities available, students pursuing a chemistry degree have many academic options available to them, as well. Students may pursue an associate's degree or further their education and acquire a PhD. This variety allows those  majoring in the subject to either enter the workforce quickly, within two years, or to deepen their research and further their education with an upper-level degree.


 Ø  Department of Chemistry visited IICT, Hyderabad on 16th October 2019 to motivate the students in Research side.

Ø  Conducted quizes and distribution of prizes to inculcate the students in teams work and conducted Workshop on 6th November 2019 with eminent resource persons.Conducted scientific activity competition to nurture the students in scientific field.

Ø  Organized a webinar on COVID-19 and Environmental science on 6th July 2020.


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